

I love coffee, live music, and exploring neighborhoods on weekends in New York.



It seems like the New York weather has left my blog empty in the past two months. All the snow pileup, frostbite threats, blizzard warnings, and my commute's train delays have taken a little toll on my mini side project. This winter has tamed all my energy and gave me very little desire to step out in the cold for a photo story, except for a few snaps on Instagram.

I've been going out though, but I haven't gotten the chance to shoot anything with my camera. This non-activity left me skimming through pictures from last year where I found old pictures that didn't make the cut in any of my published posts. 

Taken with my iPhone.

Taken with my iPhone.

Home Desk. 

This is my desk at home where I draft my blog, process pictures, and "surf the internet". I try to organize it in a way where I can use it to draw inspiration and creative energy.


My Photos.

I've been practicing lots of ways to process my pictures and I'm only beginning to realize the feel and look that I want the pictures to achieve.

Bea at Hell's Kitchen, New York. One of the many restaurants I've tried in the past few months.

Bea at Hell's Kitchen, New York. One of the many restaurants I've tried in the past few months.


As my yearend bank summaries prove, my weekends mostly consist of eating out and trying different cuisines. This weekend, I learned that a Squab is a baby pigeon that I cluelessly consumed as an appetizer. I regret nothing–although I'm still getting my head around having a tiny little bird as red meat. But then again, I've done worse, having already eaten a balut (duck embryo which is a common Filipino street food) more than once.


San Francisco.

I think my San Francisco photos may be one of most favorite photo sets, ever.



I have a weakness for dogs, and I'm still waiting for a chance to adopt one for a daily dose of puppy playtime.

- Bonus! -

Where to go:

I want to give a short recommendation to two of my favorite restaurants I went to recently which are Ichabod's in Union Square and Almanac in the West Village. Ichabod's is a rustic restaurant that surprised me with their squash dumplings and delicious craft cocktails; Almanac boasts a high-end tasting menu that is sure to impress. Almanac is also where I had my first experience of eating a squab, so there's that.

Ichabod's NYC
15 Irving Pl
New York, NY

28 7th Ave S
New York, NY

Handcrafting Jewelry in Brooklyn

San Francisco Photo Diary on Exposure

San Francisco Photo Diary on Exposure